Payment Method
Cards Payment
What happens if I charge a US Card in IDR?
We can charge the card according to the amount you've set in the invoice/charge, but the issuing bank of the cardholder will be converting the funds from IDR to whatever currency that they have. Xendit does not determine the conversion rate, nor add additional fees to this process.
Do you have installment options?
We accept installment option with BCA credit card (Visa / Mastercard) with 0% installment available in 3, 6, or 12-months options.
Other bank credit card (Visa / Mastercard) is acceptable (only) for full payment method. Should you have further inquiries please contact your credit cards call center.
Do you charge debit card?
We can charge debit card, as long as it uses the international scheme authorization networks (eg. VisaNet, BankNet). This maximizes compatibility with cards globally, however, means that debit and credit cards are treated the same with regard to settlement time, fees, and chargeback policies.
Why did the bank decline if CVN is incorrect, but accept if blank?
Banks do this because if someone entered wrong CVN, there's a good chance that it's stolen card info and person didn't have CVN. So bank rejects it because it's risky. But our bank allowed us to make CVN optional (like Amazon/Uber) to support the one-click flow. So if no CVN is sent at all, bank sees that as less risky than a wrong CVN.
What is charge?
Charging is the process of pulling funds from the cardholder’s account, and this occurs after tokenization and the optional authentication process.
Virtual Account
What is virtual account?
Virtual accounts (VAs) enable various types and sizes of businesses to accept payments via bank transfer, without having to open a dedicated bank account with each bank.
With VAs, a single bank account is sub-divided to almost any number of ‘virtual’ accounts. As sub-divisions of the main account, virtual accounts are able to have their own virtual account numbers, statements, and balances.
Are virtual account the same as bank transfer payment?
Virtual accounts differ from bank transfers because payments made to virtual accounts are faster, more accessible, and easier to identify.
Since bank transfers provide limited information on the source of funds, customers have to provide proof of payment after the bank transfer is made. With virtual accounts, each customer is given a unique virtual account, which makes it much easier to confirm which customer was making the payment.
In addition, there are multiple methods for a customer to make a virtual account payment. Customers can pay through bank teller, ATM, internet banking, and mobile banking app.
By using Xendit, merchants get access to virtual accounts at the largest banks: BCA, Mandiri, BRI, BNI, and Permata, allowing you to easily collect payment regardless of which banks your end customer is using.
Can my customer transfer interbank for VA?
Yes, however we highly recommend directing customers to pay into the VAs using the same bank, i.e. if you have Mandiri, kindly use the Mandiri VA. If none of the bank accounts are available, we recommend paying into BNI virtual account for interbank transfers. Interbank transfers using other than BNI VA carries a risk of delayed completion and may take up to 24 hours.
Is there any limitation amount in virtual account?
The following is a table of guidelines for payment nominal limitations:
Bank Name | Minimum Payment Amount (IDR) | Maximum Payment Amount (IDR) |
BNI, BNI Syariah, BRI, BSS, and Mandiri | 1 | 50,000,000,000 |
Permata | 1 | 9,999,999,999 |
BCA | 10,000 | 999,999,999,999 |
Please be informed that there are maximum limitations for payments via ATM, M-banking, and internet banking where each bank has different policies. Some banks limit it to IDR 25,000,000.
Is it possible for my virtual account to be paid from overseas?
Unfortunately, we only support domestic transfers at the moment which means all payments will be made from Indonesian local banks in IDR currency.
Pay how you prefer. Buy now and choose your payment term of 30 days or 3, 6, 12-month installment. Kredivo charge the lowest interest rate in the market and no down payment required. See here for more information on Kredivo.
What is e-wallet?
E-wallets, also known as digital wallets, are online prepaid accounts used to store money and transact online and offline through a computer or smartphone. Some e-wallets also allow users to add funds to their account through non-fiat currency (e.g. rewards points, etc.).
What happens if my customer has insufficient balance in their OVO account?
If the end customer does not have sufficient balance, when the end customer generates a push notification to their phone, the OVO system will detect insufficient balance. In order for the transaction to proceed, the end customer will need to top-up their OVO balance before making the invoice payment.
How do customers make payments through Alfamart?
The steps for end customer to make payment through Alfamart are as follows:
- Visit the nearest Alfamart store before the invoice expires.
- Tell the cashier to make payment to Coach Indonesia
- Quote or present the payment code on the invoice to the cashier and confirm the amount is correct.
- Proceed to make payment with the amount on the invoice.
- Receive the proof of payment from Alfamart.
- Congratulations! Payment has successfully completed.
What is the minimum and maximum payment of retail outlet?
Minimum payment into Retail Outlet is IDR 11,000. Maximum payment into Retail Outlet is IDR 2,500,000
Will customers receive any payment verification information?
The end customer will receive a receipt showing merchant name, timestamp, amount paid. The receipt will also provide a customer support number for any issues.